PSHS 57 50th Reunion CommitteeThanks to all the committee members who organized and pulled off another nice reunion for the PSHS class of 1957. We all know who hosted us at their homes, who was treasurer and who was instrumental in procuring and grilling those great steaks. There was clearly a lot of work making arrangements and doing setup, too. And a more subtle part that really impresses me is just keeping or finding so many current addresses for everyone. The committee members from Palatka were:Ron Baughman Glinda Chancey Pacetti Johnnie Sue Dennis Sadler Gerald Motes Bobby Rivers Gail Stumpe Clark Betty Howard Ritch Lois Kimbro White and Judy Lowe Turner And there were out of town participants, too. Doris Allen Rhymes, from Jacksonville, came to many of the planning meetings. Linda Vaught Waterhouse, from Clarkesville, Georgia, also participated and then printed and mailed the final directory. Thanks again. For this web site, Rosellen Smith Boyd scanned the yearbook pictures, John Olliff took the reunion pictures, Linda Vaught Waterhouse sent me the directory, and I edited and assembled the files to make a web site. Ed Takken. |